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Archives: 2020

What Are The Minimum & Maximum I Can Contribute To My 401(k) Each Year?

What Are The Minimum & Maximum I Can Contribute To My 401(k) Each Year?

There is no minimum amount you are required to contribute to your 401(k). However, there are suggested amounts to help maximize your retirement potential. There is a maximum amount you are allowed to contribute to a 401(k) annually, as established under federal law. What Are the Suggested Amounts for 401(k) Contributions? By the time you reach age 35, some financial experts say you should have...

Insurance Coverage For Churches

Insurance Coverage For Churches

Like anyone else today, churches need insurance to protect their assets. They face many of the same risks as for-profit businesses, and they also have their own unique risks. As non-profit organizations, churches need certain types of coverage to help manage the risk of unforeseen events. Nonprofit Insurance For Churches Your church insurance package may include the following types of coverage: Business property insurance: Churches...

Understanding Your Personal Umbrella Policy

Understanding Your Personal Umbrella Policy

A personal umbrella insurance policy will provide extra coverage for you and your assets. It can kick in when other insurance coverage is not enough, but it is not a catch-all policy designed to cover everything. Personal umbrella insurance provides two basic types of coverage – liability and defense costs. What Is Personal Umbrella Coverage? An umbrella policy can cover what primary insurance excludes or...

Introducing The “Erie Agents Giving Back” Project

Introducing The “Erie Agents Giving Back” Project

Unprecedented. Over the past few months, it’s a word that has become a part of our everyday vocabulary. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought on feelings of uncertainty, frustration, exhaustion, and even fear. Despite these unprecedented times, humanity and kindness continue to endure and people have stepped up in extraordinary ways to help those in need. At Erie Insurance, we’ve been committed to the Golden Rule...

How To Clean & Detail Your Car At Home

How To Clean & Detail Your Car At Home

After a long winter, chances are your car looks a little worse for the wear. Even if you wash it regularly, months of salt, dirt, and grime can still accumulate in places that aren’t touched by a drive-through car wash. And the interior likely has its share of dirt, crumbs, and coffee stains, too. Having the right auto insurance is one way to protect your...